Here is a list of the international faculty and speakers from around the world for this unique JIC 2020.

Dr. Apurva Patel – MD
- Resident Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, New York
- Fellow, Department of Cardiovascular Disease, Mount Sinai Beth Israel , New York
- Member of ACP, Gujarat Medical Council/Medical Council of India, Association of Past Xaviers and Association of NHLities
- Awarded “Best of Best Abstract 2016 at Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions 2016, Cleveland Clinic Excellence in Teaching Award for exceptional achievement in teaching, AIPNO 2014 Research Showcase 1st Prize in Quality Improvement section 1st prize for “Mini-Cog Performance: A Novel Marker of Risk for Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure”
- Part of many publications and paper presentations

Dr. Ashit Jain – MD, FACC
- Interventional Cardiologist, CEO and Founder, California Cardiovascular Consultants Medical Associates, Fremont, California
- CEO and Founder, California Hospital Medical Corporation
- CEO and Founder, Mission Cardiovascular Research Institute, Fremont, California
- A renowned Expert for Invasive Cardiovascular and Endovascular Disease: Catheterization, PTCA, Atherectomy, Stents, Laser, IVUS, Aneurysm Endografting, Peripheral Vascular Interventions including carotid, renal, iliac, SFA, and below the knee, endovenous ablation
- Voted as Top 5% Cardiologist in the Nation by US News
- Involved in multiple new device research technologies and has built a strong research program
- Site Principal Investigator for 31 multi-centre clinical research trails
- Involved in doing live training courses for interventional devices for Coronaries and Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Leading Faculty at International Conferences

Dr. Bhavin Dalal – MBBS, MD, DNB, FACP, FCCP
- Associate Professor
- Vice-Chief, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Sleep Medicine, Beaumont, Royal Oak
- Associate Program Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship, Beaumont, Royal Oak
- Co-Director, Respiratory Course, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Michigan USA
- Fellow, American College of Chest Physician (FCCP)
- Member, American College of Physicians (ACP)
- Clinical Educator Award, Oakland University, William Beaumont School of Medicine
- Teacher of the Year 2016, Beaumont Health System, Internal Medicine
- Invited faculty at National and International Conferences
- A part of many research presentations and peer-reviewed publications

Prof. Dr. Carsten Tschöpe
- Professor of Medicine and Cardiology, Charite, Berlin
- Vice Director, of Cardiology, Charite, Berlin Guiding the Cardiomyopathy Program, since 2015
- Deputy Director at the Medical Department, Division for Cardiology, Charite, Berlin, Campus Virchow Klinikum, since 2015
- Working with a number of research groups at the BCRT to investigate the potential of cell therapies to cure heart failure
- Areas of Research promoted by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF)
- Honoured with many Awards in past years

Dr. Claire D. Brindis – DrPH, MPH
- Professor, Pediatrics and Health Policy, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
- Director, Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies (IHPS), UCSF
- Founding Director, The Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, UCSF
- Co-Director, Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center
- Areas of Interests are United States Healthcare Reform, Adolescent and Child Health Policy, Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health, Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention, Adolescent and Young Adult Health, Reproductive Health Services, Quantitative and Qualitative Program Evaluation Methodologies, Migration and Health, Effective Strategies for the Translation of Evidence into Policy
- Recipient of many Awards including the California Department of Health Services, Myers Award for Excellence in Public Health and John C. MacQueen Lecture Award, Federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau Director’s Award, and Lifetime Achievement Award in Mentoring at UCSF
- Elected Member of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine
- A part of numerous abstract research, presentations, publications and peer-reviewed journal articles

Dr. Geza Fontos – MD
- Medical Director, Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, Hungary
- Former, Head of Interventional Cardiology, Gottsegen Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, Hungary, 2005
- Former, Deputy Head of Interventional Cardiology, Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, Hungary, 2000-2004
- Member of Hungarian Society of Cardiology and Radiology
- Area of Research Interest are in Interventional Cardiology, Non-coronary Cardiac Interventions
- Part of many publications and book chapters

Dr. Neil Mehta – MBBS, MS, FACP
- Assistant Dean of Education Informatics and Technology – Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University
- Professor of Medicine – Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University
- Director of Centre for Technology-Enhanced Knowledge and Instruction (CTEKI) at Cleveland Clinic
- Adjunct Faculty member for the Master’s in Education in Adult Learning and Development degree program — a collaborative program between Cleveland Clinic and Cleveland State University
- Web Editor of Journal of General Internal Medicine
- Co-course Director of “Become a Digital Citizen – Technology in Health Care Education” Harvard Macy Institute; Annual 5- day course offered at Boston every October since 2013
- Project Lead in “Cleveland Clinic – IBM Watson” collaboration on “Watson goes to Medical School” and “Cleveland Clinic – Microsoft” collaboration on use of technology in healthcare education and preparing our learners for practicing in the digital age. This includes exploring the use of HoloLens, Surface Hubs and Microsoft Band in education and practice
- Authored book chapters, peer-reviewed presentations at scientific meetings

Dr. Ralph Brindis – MD, MPH, MACC, FSCAI, FAHA
- Clinical Professor of Medicine, Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California, San Francisco
- National Innovator responsible for the promotion of cardiovascular quality
- President of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2010-2011
- Former Chair and the Present Chief Medical Officer of the ACC’s National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)
- President and Director, AC Wellness
- Member, FDA CV Device Panel and the California Technology Assessment Forum Panel
- Chair, California OSHPD Cardiac Advisory Panel for CABG Public Reporting
- Honoured with many Awards
- Over 400 Published Manuscripts

Dr. Ramesh Daggubati – MD, FACC, FSCAI
- Associate Chief of Cardiology, Director of the Cardiac Cath Lab and Director of Interventional Cardiology
- Former, Interim Chief of Cardiology and Clinical Professor, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University
- Skilled in all Structural Heart and Complex Coronary Interventions
- Performs Transradial Interventions and Proctored Many Physicians Across the Country and World
- Developed Algorithms for Management of Cardiogenic Shock that is used at Multiple Institutions around the Country
- Former Principal Investigator of the Initial Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Trials
- Published in Multiple Academic Journals and Lectures Nationally and Internationally

Dr. Roosha Parikh – MD
- Cardiovascular Imaging Fellow, Houston Methodist
- Actively involved in clinical research, large scale quality improvement projects for patient outcomes and cost reduction
- Former, Cardiovascular Fellow, Mount Sinai Beth Israel
- Former, Resident Physician, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio
- Part of many publications

Dr. Peter Lin – MD, CCFP
- Director, Primary Care Initiatives, Canadian Heart Research Centre
- On the Editorial Board of The Canadian Review of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias (Formerly, The Canadian Alzheimer Disease Review)
- Chairman, Dementia Congress, USA for the last 4 years
- Served on the Editorial Board of Pri-Med, a USA Company that provides Education for Physicians
- Teaching Award from the College of Family Physicians in 2011

Dr. Uday Jadhav – MD
- Consultant in Cardiology and Head, CV Imaging Department, MGM New Bombay Hospital
- Professor and Course Director, DNB Program
- Program Director, ASH Scientific Meeting in India, 2013 -2018
- Program Co-Ordinator, ACC India Rhythm meetings, 2014 -2019
- Research in the field of Dyslipidemia, Sub-Clinical Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, Cardia CT and CT Radiation
- Principal Investigator, Real World Azilsartan efficacy Assessment Study in Indian Hypertensive patients
- Part of many publications and research presentations